Correct me if I'm wrong.
A few days have past and the media(news) keep on airing on this particular issue: "No Chinese faces in the Cabinet" (In my personal opinion not really an issue) and even MCA and Gerakan would not send their candidates;reason being did not perform in the GE13.
So what about it?
I am not entirely sure!
In my mind I keep saying "Apa masalah nya?"
For me, it is just a symbolic gesture (on the surface) so that the newly formed Government looks multiracial.Thats all!
You can say that this shows the Unity!the 1Malaysia slogan that the sixth Optimus Prime of Malaysia advertise.
I think that a minister in the cabinet would have their own portfolios, within these scopes they have to do their job(s). For instances, the Minister of Finance would regulate the country's financial,Minister of Education would foreseen the academic-thingy and etc. I mean it should be like that right?
The soon to be ministers should be elected through their credentials basis,if they can perform in that certain area,so be it,it should not based on races or ethnicity.
As long as they are honest Malaysian willing to serve all Malaysians,kan dah cukup.
Here is an article that may have the same view as I:
Thinking about...
Monday, May 13, 2013
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Anak Muda Kelana Jaya!
Saya anak muda Kelana Jaya
Dibesarkan dari rendah
Hingga tidak seberapa tinggi.
Masa itu jerawat menjadi-jadi
Telah bertapak keluar jasad ini
Tapi hati masih kekal cekal bersemadi
Sekali-sekala masih jengukkan diri
Sekadar melintas "Jambatan Pulau Pinang" sudah bererti
Ditakdirkan mengundi di sini
SS7 rumah sejak kecil
Parlimen Kelana Jaya
DUN Seri Setia.
Di sini ada markas Tabung haji
Dan FAM yang masih belum reformasi
Dan juga Majlis Penerangan Negeri
Di Tanah Selangor ini.
Untuk membawa perubahan malam ini!
Saya mohon maaf tidak hadirkan diri
Ini warkah buat pengganti!
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Maka berakhirlah sudah PRU13. Hidup perlu diteruskan!
Tahniah Barisan Nasional!
Slogan di saat-saat terakhir mereka IniKari lah,eh silap Lain Kali lah ternyata menjadi juara akhirnya.
Saya tidak akan ulas tentang PRU13 ini panjang lebar. Anda boleh lihat info di alam maya!Banyak ulasan tentangnya dari mereka yang pakar dan kononnya pakar. Saya juga tergolong dalam kononnya pakar.
Tentang helah-helah penipuan yang dikatakan,saya sendiri ada persoalan.Apa betul atau tipu,terpulanglah kepada diri sendiri.
Hanya sebagai peringatan agar Team Dacing Biru menilai diri mereka sendiri-Rebuild Within Yourself/Ourself (saya kira ini slogan yang patut dijaja pasca PRU13) walaupun team anda sudah menang tipis di bawah pimpinan Abang Besar Ah Jib Gor.
Mungkin satu sahaja ulasan saya mengenai terma "Chinese Tsunami" yang diuar-uarkan oleh MP Pekan itu, saya fikir tidak tepat. Kenyataan beliau juga ini amat merisaukan kerana telah timbul sentimen rasis.
Saya memerhati bahawa kenyataan beliau dilakukan sejurus sahaja Barisan Nasional telah mendapat kerusi yang mencukupi untuk membentuk Kerajaan Persekutuan, maka konklusi saya bahawa analisis on-the-spot telah dilakukan. Bukannya analisis secara keseluruhan!!!Bila dikupas anda akan tahu terma "Chinese Tsunami" ini tidak wujud pada PRU13!!!
(Hal ini kerana mereka menyangka bahawa Pakatan 3 Serangkai khususnya Team Roket telah memenangi banyak kerusi.Saya persoalkan apakah DAP parti untuk Cina,ada calon-calon mereka itu Melayu dan juga India...Sama sahaja jika orang ramai mengsinonimkan BN itu UMNO walhal BN itu UMNO+MCA+MIC dan etc)
Ingat, apabila kita berbicara tentang kemenangan terdapat pelbagai faktornya, maka sama juga dengan kekalahan-banyak faktornya. Bukan satu sahaja!Anda faham apa yang saya cuba katakan?
Saya lihat Pasca PRU13 ini membuatkan ramai yang lebih teliti tentang politik di Malaysia,khususnya orang muda macam saya. Apakah...Erk XD.
Seperti di status MukaBuku saya:
My comment on this GE13 is,well at least the Dewan Rakyat would be strongly check and balance.
P/S Oleh kerana Barisan National menang,maka eloklah kita buka kembali manifesto Team Dacing Biru agar dapat kita ikuti perkembangan Janji Ditepati.
P/S2 Towards the Betterment of Malaysia!
Maka berakhirlah sudah PRU13. Hidup perlu diteruskan!
Tahniah Barisan Nasional!
Slogan di saat-saat terakhir mereka IniKari lah,eh silap Lain Kali lah ternyata menjadi juara akhirnya.
Saya tidak akan ulas tentang PRU13 ini panjang lebar. Anda boleh lihat info di alam maya!Banyak ulasan tentangnya dari mereka yang pakar dan kononnya pakar. Saya juga tergolong dalam kononnya pakar.
Tentang helah-helah penipuan yang dikatakan,saya sendiri ada persoalan.Apa betul atau tipu,terpulanglah kepada diri sendiri.
Hanya sebagai peringatan agar Team Dacing Biru menilai diri mereka sendiri-Rebuild Within Yourself/Ourself (saya kira ini slogan yang patut dijaja pasca PRU13) walaupun team anda sudah menang tipis di bawah pimpinan Abang Besar Ah Jib Gor.
Mungkin satu sahaja ulasan saya mengenai terma "Chinese Tsunami" yang diuar-uarkan oleh MP Pekan itu, saya fikir tidak tepat. Kenyataan beliau juga ini amat merisaukan kerana telah timbul sentimen rasis.
Saya memerhati bahawa kenyataan beliau dilakukan sejurus sahaja Barisan Nasional telah mendapat kerusi yang mencukupi untuk membentuk Kerajaan Persekutuan, maka konklusi saya bahawa analisis on-the-spot telah dilakukan. Bukannya analisis secara keseluruhan!!!Bila dikupas anda akan tahu terma "Chinese Tsunami" ini tidak wujud pada PRU13!!!
(Hal ini kerana mereka menyangka bahawa Pakatan 3 Serangkai khususnya Team Roket telah memenangi banyak kerusi.Saya persoalkan apakah DAP parti untuk Cina,ada calon-calon mereka itu Melayu dan juga India...Sama sahaja jika orang ramai mengsinonimkan BN itu UMNO walhal BN itu UMNO+MCA+MIC dan etc)
Ingat, apabila kita berbicara tentang kemenangan terdapat pelbagai faktornya, maka sama juga dengan kekalahan-banyak faktornya. Bukan satu sahaja!Anda faham apa yang saya cuba katakan?
Saya lihat Pasca PRU13 ini membuatkan ramai yang lebih teliti tentang politik di Malaysia,khususnya orang muda macam saya. Apakah...Erk XD.
Seperti di status MukaBuku saya:
My comment on this GE13 is,well at least the Dewan Rakyat would be strongly check and balance.
P/S Oleh kerana Barisan National menang,maka eloklah kita buka kembali manifesto Team Dacing Biru agar dapat kita ikuti perkembangan Janji Ditepati.
P/S2 Towards the Betterment of Malaysia!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Umum ketahui bahawa Dato' Onn Jaafar antara pengasas UMNO.
Oleh kerana itu adalah benarnya jika semolek-moleknya beliau diangkat menjadi Presiden pertama persatuan tersebut.
Bagi saya sendiri, Dato' Onn ini berjiwa besar,wawasannya amat jauh. Pemikiran dan pemerhatian beliau melangkau zamannya sendiri. Seperti mana kebanyakan pemikir masa lampau.
Ramai yang tidak tahu,atau mudah lupa kenapa Dato'Onn keluar menyepi dari UMNO.
Saudara Onn ini, merajuk kerana dimatikan oleh ahli-ahli persatuan tersendiri.
Wawasan dan harapan untuk membuka pintu keahlian UMNO kepada semua warganegara Malaya.Terbuka kepada semua kaum.
Apa signifikasinya!apa implikasinya!
Amat besar!Teramat besar!
Waktu itu,waktu yang amat gentir.Pertalian antara kaum amat rapuh.
Dengan membuka pintu ahli, harapan untuk mengintegrasikan dan assimilasi antara kaum terlaksana. Agar proses keseluruhan persahabatan berlaku.
HARAPAN bahawa SATU persatuan besar mewakili nasib,suara dan menjadi juara di mata semua kaum.
Saya kira jika saudara Onn menjadi Perdana Menteri mungkin berlainan jadinya wajah Malaysia ini
Tapi sayang,sejarah tetap sejarah.
Saya bukannya merendah-rendahkan Bapa Kemerdekaan Tunku Abdul Rahman,saya akui kebijaksaan dan kepimpinan beliau.Amat kagumi!
Begitulah Onn:KISAH PENDEK!
Oleh kerana itu adalah benarnya jika semolek-moleknya beliau diangkat menjadi Presiden pertama persatuan tersebut.
Bagi saya sendiri, Dato' Onn ini berjiwa besar,wawasannya amat jauh. Pemikiran dan pemerhatian beliau melangkau zamannya sendiri. Seperti mana kebanyakan pemikir masa lampau.
Ramai yang tidak tahu,atau mudah lupa kenapa Dato'Onn keluar menyepi dari UMNO.
Saudara Onn ini, merajuk kerana dimatikan oleh ahli-ahli persatuan tersendiri.
Wawasan dan harapan untuk membuka pintu keahlian UMNO kepada semua warganegara Malaya.Terbuka kepada semua kaum.
Apa signifikasinya!apa implikasinya!
Amat besar!Teramat besar!
Waktu itu,waktu yang amat gentir.Pertalian antara kaum amat rapuh.
Dengan membuka pintu ahli, harapan untuk mengintegrasikan dan assimilasi antara kaum terlaksana. Agar proses keseluruhan persahabatan berlaku.
HARAPAN bahawa SATU persatuan besar mewakili nasib,suara dan menjadi juara di mata semua kaum.
Saya kira jika saudara Onn menjadi Perdana Menteri mungkin berlainan jadinya wajah Malaysia ini
Tapi sayang,sejarah tetap sejarah.
Saya bukannya merendah-rendahkan Bapa Kemerdekaan Tunku Abdul Rahman,saya akui kebijaksaan dan kepimpinan beliau.Amat kagumi!
Begitulah Onn:KISAH PENDEK!
Saturday, April 27, 2013
No,this post is not about Pakatan Rakyat, it would be on the 55 year old Government whereby they might go on ruling for another 5 years or so,after all Democracy in action they would say.
IF the Pakatan Rakyat prevails in this coming election (PRU13), the Dacing symbolizing balance or in Malay keseimbangan should keep calm and chill la bro. Show your showmanship,don't be a sour grape loser. To lose in a way is winning.
Bukankah ada hikmahnya.
Unless,they are afraid of being charged of Jeng,Jeng,Jeng..okay mere speculation.
The Dacing should reflect on themselves,why they have lose!Please do reflect hard!I mean really hard!Now is the right and ripe time.
Reflect on why the votes did not favor them.
Ask the WHY?as we already know the WHO and later on HOW!to win Putrajaya back again,
As deep down in their heart,as they have always known that they should have UBAH along time ago.
They should not raise the white flag but instead rise up,make the coalition's Blue flag fly higher and stronger.
As I really believe for politics in Malaysia to mature thoroughly there should be a healthy competition,a positive atmosphere for check and balance. As the Party (both sides),suppose to be the voice of the Rakyat. After all,politics should benefit the Rakyat most!
I really love the saying by Encik Abe Lincoln "Government of the people,by the people,for the people,shall not perish from Earth"
Ironically,the aspiration of Encik Abe Lincoln was not made entirely.
Later on,while the Rocket sudah sampai ke Bulan failed to fufill the Rakyat expectation then the previous government now opposition can blast them however they suit.
Please,be matang!!NO PORN etc.Blast them with facts!We,the Rakyat shall not tolerate violence and dirty politics...
This post is dedicated for the UMNO led coalition due to they never failed (yet) in the general elections.IF THEY FAILED...
#UBAH lah sebelum terlambat,mungkin,mungkin PRU13 ini tidak boleh diselamatkan kerana nasi sudah jadi bubur tapi UBAH lah di masa hadapan!
P/S by the way,same goes to the Pakatan Rakyat,the battle continues after losing or winning PRU13.
No,this post is not about Pakatan Rakyat, it would be on the 55 year old Government whereby they might go on ruling for another 5 years or so,after all Democracy in action they would say.
IF the Pakatan Rakyat prevails in this coming election (PRU13), the Dacing symbolizing balance or in Malay keseimbangan should keep calm and chill la bro. Show your showmanship,don't be a sour grape loser. To lose in a way is winning.
Bukankah ada hikmahnya.
Unless,they are afraid of being charged of Jeng,Jeng,Jeng..okay mere speculation.
The Dacing should reflect on themselves,why they have lose!Please do reflect hard!I mean really hard!Now is the right and ripe time.
Reflect on why the votes did not favor them.
Ask the WHY?as we already know the WHO and later on HOW!to win Putrajaya back again,
As deep down in their heart,as they have always known that they should have UBAH along time ago.
They should not raise the white flag but instead rise up,make the coalition's Blue flag fly higher and stronger.
As I really believe for politics in Malaysia to mature thoroughly there should be a healthy competition,a positive atmosphere for check and balance. As the Party (both sides),suppose to be the voice of the Rakyat. After all,politics should benefit the Rakyat most!
I really love the saying by Encik Abe Lincoln "Government of the people,by the people,for the people,shall not perish from Earth"
Ironically,the aspiration of Encik Abe Lincoln was not made entirely.
Later on,while the Rocket sudah sampai ke Bulan failed to fufill the Rakyat expectation then the previous government now opposition can blast them however they suit.
Please,be matang!!NO PORN etc.Blast them with facts!We,the Rakyat shall not tolerate violence and dirty politics...
This post is dedicated for the UMNO led coalition due to they never failed (yet) in the general elections.IF THEY FAILED...
#UBAH lah sebelum terlambat,mungkin,mungkin PRU13 ini tidak boleh diselamatkan kerana nasi sudah jadi bubur tapi UBAH lah di masa hadapan!
P/S by the way,same goes to the Pakatan Rakyat,the battle continues after losing or winning PRU13.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
a think to ponder
Is the Government afraid of the Opposition?
If so why?
Do they fear that the Opposition will doomed us all?
Lead us to poverty and destruction?
Ada udang disebalik batu kah?
They don't want the people how many bad things that they have done during their tenure of powership.
The papertrails that will lead to it.
After all documentation and paperwork is important!
For me,personally
I don't think that the Government should be afraid of the Opposition.
Be afraid of THE RAKYAT!
The Opposition claims that they are the Voice of the RAKYAT!
So be it....
Let them take Putrajaya!
Bring GOOD CHANGES to the people, keep your promises by doing the BEST FOR THE RAKYAT
And if the Opposition (now the Government) FAILED! The Government (which is now the Opposition) could bombarded, slandered them however they like...
In a GOOD MANNER WAY la (with proof and etc)...
Like all this time they have not been doing it...oppss (implement on both sides)
Showing that all this while they have been running the office much better.
Showing that the people choice was wrong.
The Rakyat with our voting power can change that (again)
So why not give them a chance!
or are we that afraid?
So Government don't be afraid of the Opposition but be terrified of the RAKYAT POWER!
P/S Raw Political Power in the hands of those who have no need of it themselves will be used for the good of the many -Hussein Abdul Hamid-
P/S2 This is an old post that needed the right time to be posted XD
Is the Government afraid of the Opposition?
If so why?
Do they fear that the Opposition will doomed us all?
Lead us to poverty and destruction?
Ada udang disebalik batu kah?
They don't want the people how many bad things that they have done during their tenure of powership.
The papertrails that will lead to it.
After all documentation and paperwork is important!
For me,personally
I don't think that the Government should be afraid of the Opposition.
Be afraid of THE RAKYAT!
The Opposition claims that they are the Voice of the RAKYAT!
So be it....
Let them take Putrajaya!
Bring GOOD CHANGES to the people, keep your promises by doing the BEST FOR THE RAKYAT
And if the Opposition (now the Government) FAILED! The Government (which is now the Opposition) could bombarded, slandered them however they like...
In a GOOD MANNER WAY la (with proof and etc)...
Like all this time they have not been doing it...oppss (implement on both sides)
Showing that all this while they have been running the office much better.
Showing that the people choice was wrong.
The Rakyat with our voting power can change that (again)
So why not give them a chance!
or are we that afraid?
So Government don't be afraid of the Opposition but be terrified of the RAKYAT POWER!
P/S Raw Political Power in the hands of those who have no need of it themselves will be used for the good of the many -Hussein Abdul Hamid-
P/S2 This is an old post that needed the right time to be posted XD
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