Thinking about...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

oh ted mosby...

is it just me feeling awkward that in my head i keep questioning Ted Mosby's yes from How I Met Your Mother actions while facepalming my forehead...

"Oh Ted Mosby,how can you tell your children about all the women that you've been with after all it is about how you met their mother and your wife.(it is like your telling that you're a womanizer like Barney,but in your case you are doing it for the sake of love,finding THE ONE-pffftt.)

and for the most part you told them about how you have feelings toward other women beside their own mother.(and i think you might have some feelings like you were in love with 'Aunt' Robin)

and need i say,that feeling(love) should belong to their mother,your wife Ted.

plus GOD.

Oh Ted Mosby,i'm thinking you're not being a good example to your kids"

P/S why am i writing against a fictional character,plus who am i too judge right(?)...

P/S/s worried about how these fictional characters would affect the society.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

wahai kaum adam jangan lupa...


adakah kita terlupa bahawa penutupan aurat itu bukan sahaja terhadap perempuan bahkan laki-laki.

kenapa amat sedikit artikel-artikel,video-video untuk memberi peringatan terhadap kaum adam.

wahai kaum adam janganlah kita lupa.

janganlah kita terlampau memberi tumpuan kepada kaum hawa hingga kita alpa akan tanggungjawab kita sendiri.

amatlah kita ini suka mengherdik,mengkritik,amatlah mudah. tapi kita alangkah lebih bagus kita mengajak kembali,berdoa supaya si polan-polan kembali ke arah yang benar.

janganlah jadi bias.

sekian. =)

P/S kalau jadi pemain bola sepak professional memang kena pakai seluar pendek saja ke?saya masih mencari guideline tentang pakaian yang telah disediakan FIFA.

P/S/s eh,lupa pula Tuhan sudah lama turunkan guideline tapi kita tetap pilih guideline manusia,apa-apa pun pilihan di tangan sendiri

sekian sekali lagi =)