Thinking about...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

a tale told by the heart!?

To know a person not by their external appearances but through their internal appearances-the HEART!?-shows and tell everything...

Usually we hear about the battle between the brawns against the brains. Not this time you won’t. Have you ever wonder which one is more important, the heart or the brain.

For me, the heart plays more essential role in our life. The brain is the prime minister which give advices where as the heart is the King which decides. To understand and appreciate something such as movies or a song, we use our heart not our brilliant mind.

For example, a person with a low IQ-not stupid! can just easily understand the meaning behind a song just like the one with high intellectual IQ. A person which understand with his/her heart will apply their knowledge in life, because they know it by heart, compared to a person who just use their brain power to memorize it. We do not see someone by his/her brain but through their heart-their good deeds (budi). Although some might like the wit headed person?Huh??Like the Malay sayings: ‘Hutang emas boleh dibayar,hutang budi dibawa mati.’

When you are in a relationship, you will see that the heart is very important!

You won’t know about love with your brain but through the heart. That’s why the symbol of love is a heart!? Right…

……. They have hearts wherewith they understand not….

(The Holy Quran Surah al-A’raaf , ayat 179)

This verse shows that for use to understand something we must use our heart!?

Praise Allah The All Knowing

Ketahuilah bahawa di dalam tubuh ada seketul daging. Apabila daging itu baik, maka seluruh tubuh itu baik; dan apabila seketul daging itu rosak, maka seluruh tubuh itu pun rosak. Ketahuilah, dia itu adalah HATI’” [Hadith Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim]

(forgive me if i've done wrong)


Nadira Ahmad Termizi said...

u know, when u said that the symbol of love is a heart i suddenly wondered how it would be if it were the symbol of a brain.
very weird :P haha

btw, are u sure it's the correct verse? Al-A'raf 139? can't find it as in it's different from what u wrote.

malayneum said...

sorry abt mistake...
thanx 4 noticing it!?

its Al-A'raf ayat 179...

Nadira Ahmad Termizi said...

thanks for correcting :) jumpe dh.. hehe

Saifullah (Dr.Irina Akma) said...


rasanya akmar ske sgt post ni..masuk almanac!! cngrats..
3 artikel plk 2..jeles2..